Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What the next month holds for us

As of 5:00pm, Friday, July 30th Ange and I will both be unemployed (can you say "scary"?). Here's a quick rundown of the next month:
  • Thursday, August 4th - leave for Michigan to spend some time with Ange's grandma. Her parents and brother will also be there so it should be special moments for all. We'll be back in Muncie for a short amount of time (like overnight) on or around August 11th.
  • Friday, August 12th - head to Arkansas to visit my family. We'll be there for two weeks, hopefully getting rested and catching up with the folks. My dad and I are going to build a deck on their new house. Say 'yes' to male bonding. :)
  • August 24th or 25th - return to our tiny apartment in Muncie for a week and a half of scrambling around trying to spend time with people and still get everything ready for the trip.
  • Sunday, September 4th - we're leavin' on a jet plane; don't know if we'll be back again...

We love you guys.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Things to be praying for...

Here are a few ways that we need God to provide:
  1. Someone to stay in our apartment. We're going to keep our lease going while we're gone, so it would be really helpful if someone subleased the four months from August through November. It's not totally necessary, but it would lower the cost of the trip pretty significantly if we found someone.
  2. Money for traveling. We're pretty sure that we have enough money to live on through savings and the support of our church, but the purpose of the trip is to learn about Ireland and the Irish Church and for that it would be nice for us to have the freedom to travel.
That's it for now, but we'll update it as stuff comes up. Thanks for praying for us.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Oh M'Heavens...

We just bought the tickets. It's Ireland or bust now, boys (and girls).