Wednesday, August 31, 2005

four days left

We're packing like mad now. We've been cleaning our little apartment and finding way too much mouse poop. It's a bit unnerving, really. We've also been listening to the newest Harry Potter book on tape during all of our cross-country driving and really enjoying it. There's a scene where Harry drinks a luck potion that causes everything he does to go well and that's pretty much how we feel these days. We are constantly amazed at how God has blessed this endevor in every little detail. I wish I had time to write about everything that has just "worked out" with this trip -- getting hooked up with the camp, finding very cheap tickets, even getting free contact lenses. It's better than a potion, though, walking with the living Lord Jesus. We are so thankful.

So by this time we weren't that surprised when we had a message on our machine last week about someone wanting to rent the apartment while we're gone (we also weren't that surprised that it came at the very last minute :). It seems like it's going to work out great for both parties and it's a big weight off our shoulders. So thanks to those of you who prayed about this. Our Father really cares about us, eh?

The past week has been a really wonderful time of goodbye's. Saturday night some friends threw us a party and we were really amazed at the number of people that care about us. It was a lot of good food, an overwhelming amount of conversation, and topped of with a beautiful and encouraging time of prayer. We have such great friends.

Four days from now we'll be getting on a plane in Chicago. Oh yes.

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