Thursday, September 22, 2005

update and pictures from Germany

Hello! We're officially on our own now at the camp. Scott and Johanna left us on Tuesday and we have our first group coming in this friday. It should be a good time. We've been getting settled into the house and getting things cleaned up around the camp this week. Tomorrow we're going to go into Lisburn and walk around. We'll let you know how that goes. Here are some pictures from Germany:

Chris's house church. Chris is second from the right, and his wife Jenny is second from the left.

Bumming around Kandern. Everything closes from about 12:30-2:00pm for lunch. Which happened to be the exact time we went shopping...

Chris let us take his scooter out for the afternoon. It was great fun once we got the hang of it.

This is the view from the top of the mountain they live on. Yes, those are vineyards. They were all over the place in that part of Germany.

mmm... ice cream...

This is Scott and Johanna and the family before they left last week. They normally run the camp and we're taking over for them while we're here.

Bad news of the day: We've all heard the rumors and now I can confirm from personal experience that the mullet is making a comeback. I've seen three this week--mostly on stylish-looking young people. Unfortunately, I failed you and didn't ever get a picture. Be forewarned though, it's only a matter of time before the Euro-mullet hits the States...


Anonymous said...

It'll be the bad news of the YEAR if Mark decides to try his luck at bringing back his old 'do. ...Don't think an "Arkansas fun-in-the-back" will ever be cool. Sorry, Mark!

(Ange, you might look cute, though...)


Anonymous said...

Ange looks dang cute on that scooter!