Saturday, September 10, 2005

work begins

After a few nice days of resting, we started work on Thursday learning how to take care of the camp. It was a good time. I learned how to buff a linoleum floor and Ange got to clean lots of spider-infested nooks and crannies. We were both a little sore at the end of the day. The camp is gearing up for a big meeting where lots of people from their mission board will come down and hear a report on the summer. That will happen tonight and we're pretty excited about it. We'll get to meet some neat people, I'm sure.

We've been learning a lot from Scott and Johanne (the directors of the camp). They'll be leaving for America in a week, but in the meantime we've been having some great conversations. They're church is doing a "coffee bar" ministry to youth and they took us through that yesterday. It seems to be pretty neat, though not what we would think of as a coffee bar. :)

So we're doing well. Aside from the occasional pang of homesickness or "what the heck are we doing?" we're really enjoying ourselves. Thanks to those of you who have posted comments. It's always neat to hear from our friends. We miss you.


Wouldn't-happen-in-America Moment of the Day:

Thursday afternoon, Johanna drove us up to Newcastle and on the way we ran across this. Note that this picture was taken from the front seat of our car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey ...what's the difference between an American coffee bar and an Irish one?